Category: Sustainability

How to Reduce Water Consumption
Simple ways to use less water and save money too! Reducing Your Daily Water Consumption A refreshing drink, a relaxing shower, a fresh load of laundry, a set of clean dishes; what do all of these simple luxuries have in common? Water. We use water to cook, clean, and cool. But water isn’t free –

The Dos and Don’ts to Recycling in Denver, Colorado
If you are anything like me, you may ask yourself this question while holding a pizza box, gift wrapping paper, or a plastic container. Let’s face it – recycling can be confusing. It seems like a good first step to increasing our own personal sustainability though, so let’s discuss the dos and don’ts to recycling

Plastic Free July – A Great Start!
Bartender, what’s this? If you have ordered your usual refreshing drink at a bar or restaurant recently, you probably noticed that the push to get rid of plastic straws has at last reached your favorite watering hole. Maybe you wondered why no straw leaned idly against the glass collecting bubbles in your beverage, or you

No Mess. No Waste. No Refills.
As landfills grow into mountains, and single use plastics swirl in our oceans and waterways many of us feel how urgently we must strive to be eco-conscious. At Lilly Brush, we understand how important it is to make choices about everyday consumables with an eye towards how these items will impact our planet, so we