Tag: cat

Are Orange Cats Really That Crazy?
Fact or fiction: are orange cats nuttier than other cat breeds? To all my orange cat parents out there, you may either be familiar with this myth firsthand or have heard such rumors. If you are someone considering adopting a new kitty friend, you may have heard of this orange cat myth. Regardless of your

4 Practices to Keep your Pet in Tune with your Work Schedule
While you work from home, you probably aren’t always in your office alone! As the work-from-home flow continues onward, it’s helpful to schedule in time with your BFFs, your office acquaintances– otherwise known as your pet! Over the past ten months, we work-from-homers have learned to manage the work/home life balance. Sometimes, work and home

Celebrating National Cat Day
What is National Cat Day? A day to spoil and appreciate your cat, of course. Every year, on October 29, cat lovers across America take part in this holiday. Keep an eye out for August 8 of next year for International Cat Day, where you can celebrate with your friends all across the globe! But

Which pet hair remover is best for your pet?
The best pet hair removers can be difficult to find. That’s why we’ve put together a list of our best products, just for you. Scroll through to find the best brush for your specific pet needs! For the Overly Fluffy and Fearless For all your Bernese Mountain Dog and Ragdoll cat types, this is the