Tag: detailing

Detailing Guide to Cleaning Your Car Seats!
Leather or cloth seats, the age old argument since the creation of the automobile. Both have their pros and cons. Leather gets way too hot in the summertime, is a pain to maintain, and is obviously a bit pricey. On the other hand, cloth seats stain more easily, and they can begin to smell if

Top 5 Tricks to Teach Your Dog
All dogs are cute, but there’s something extra cute about a really well trained pup. A pet who enjoys a close relationship with their best friend usually also enjoys the challenge and fun of learning a few small jobs and tricks as well. Wouldn’t you love for your dog to high-five on command? Or clean

Lilly’s 10 Favorite Pet Gifts for Mother’s Day!
Dear Fellow Pets, Mother’s Day is just around the corner! We are obviously adorable and loving, but have all put our mothers through a lot. Thinking back to when I was a puppy, I was nothing short of a terror. I might have pooped in the dining room a couple of times, I’ve sat on

Postcards From The Amazon Jungle
Sometime around Christmas last year, I got a call from my mother. “Have you seen this new fur remover on TV. A friend of mine has it and says it’s wonderful. I think they’ve stolen your idea.” As a mom, I can tell you exactly where the panic button is on each one of my

The Era of Pet Influencers
The pet industry is booming, and if you’re active on social media, you have almost certainly noticed an ever-increasing tide of pawsome pet products being integrated into the posts of your favorite online pals. Brands of all sizes are now having to look beyond traditional broadcast and print ads in order to reach the eyes

How to Protect Your Idea Prior to Filing For a Patent
Have an idea for a new product? Here are two things you need to do to protect it. First things first, if this is going to be the best-selling product you think it might be, you’ll want to begin protecting your idea right from the start. Imagine going through the excitement and excruciatingly hard work

My Pet Ate Something Toxic! Now What?
Imagine this, you’re baking your famous oatmeal raisin cookies for friends and family to enjoy. A few raisins fall to the ground, but before you can grab them, your pet eats five of them. The next thought running through your mind is, “What do I do? Would five raisins really poison my pet?” Most of

How a Tough Year and a Ridiculous Looking Cleaning Hack Started a Business.
2009 was not a banner year for my family. Among other things, I had had a heart attack, a freak thing at 48, a massive MI in the form of a spontaneous coronary artery dissection. It hit like a searingly painful bolt from the blue during the dessert course at my mother’s dinner table. One

New Detailing Tool For an Old Problem
Ughhh, there’s nothing worse than a hairy car! In fact, vacuum-resistant embedded pet hair is the #1 headache auto detailers and pet owners alike face when cleaning their cars! Until now, pumice stones and rubber brushes have been the two most popular tools for dealing with pet hair removal. So, what’s the issue? Our detailers

How to Remove Every Hair Your Pet Sheds in The Car
We all know someone, whether it’s a family member, co-worker, or a friend who has become fur blind to the mounds of pet hair in their car. However, if you have ever tried to clean your car after taking your furry friend for a ride, you realize very quickly that it is not an easy process. In fact, it can be downright impossible. The vacuum never seems to work as well as expected, lint rollers can’t pick up what your pet puts down, and those rocks (pumice stones) that have been an old habit in the detailing industry can horribly damage many of the surfaces in your car.