Tag: Lilly Brush

How to Be A Minimalist Pet Owner
At the start of every new year as I assess how I can better organize myself for the months ahead, the same thought always comes to mind: getting rid of stuff. Now, I have a feeling you know just what I mean. When was the last time you looked around your garage and thought “what

How to Get Pet Hair out of Your Car with Lilly Brush
The holiday season is upon us! It is time for company to come to town and for everyone to pile into the car. Your special company in their festive attire deserves a clean vehicle to transport them and their belongings – as do you! Like most pet owners though, your seats and trunk have maybe

Hey Denver, let us know what you think!
We’re looking for pet owners in the Denver area to be in a social media video and give an honest review of the Mini Pet Hair Detailer.

Dog Breed Profile: German Shepherds
All About German Shepherds Contrary to their stereotypes, German Shepherds are incredibly loving, loyal, and caring. Because the dogs are so agile, strong, and muscular, many people assign them the stereotype of being aggressive and dangerous. However, many people who know German Shepherds well will tell you that their defining characteristics are actually their loyalty,

Lilly Brush: An Alternative to Disposable Lint Rollers
Lilly Brush vs. the lint roller: an epic battle beginning in 2010, when Lilly Brush founder Elsie Hamilton adopted her Australian Shepherd, Lilly. When Elsie went to the pet store to find a pet hair remover, she found only sticky/lint rollers. She was not impressed, and has since invented eight different products that are

Auto Detailer Spotlight: Chris Nichols
Here at Lilly Brush, we value community and relationship with our supporters! Our dear friends in the auto detailing business are some of the most loyal followers and supporters we’ve ever seen- they repost and share our products because they genuinely love our products and our company, and support us out of the kindness of

5 Ways to Spoil Your Cat
Let’s face it: cats are fabulous, and don’t get the credit they deserve! In honor of our feline friends, here are 5 ways to spoil your cat. Buy or make new cat toys What do cats love more than new toys? A lot of things, probably, but new toys are no doubt a crowd-pleaser. The

A Pet Lover’s Home Gift Guide
We’re back with another holiday gift guide! Give these top-tier gifts to your loved ones this season to put a smile on their face (and their pet’s!). 1. Furbo Dog Camera If you have pet-related separation anxiety, fear no more! This home pet camera is a savvy way to keep tabs on your pet (and

5 Items To Bring While Walking Your Dogs
One of the most important things you can do for your dog is to take them on frequent walks. The exercise helps them maintain a healthy weight, keeps them happy, and helps them stay acquainted with their neighborhood! Many families with multiple dogs find that it can be tough when walking them all at once.

10 Best Halloween Costume Ideas For Your Pet
Halloween is just around the corner! It may still be a few weeks away, but costume shopping has to start ASAP! Don’t let your pet miss out on the fun of dressing up. Here’s our list of the 10 best costume ideas of 2019 for your pets! UPS Driver Nothing screams dedication like the boys