Tag: Pet Hair

How to Be A Minimalist Pet Owner
At the start of every new year as I assess how I can better organize myself for the months ahead, the same thought always comes to mind: getting rid of stuff. Now, I have a feeling you know just what I mean. When was the last time you looked around your garage and thought “what

Shedding Season Is Back
Fall is here, and the trees aren’t the only ones shedding their outer layer. Twice every year, you may notice your couches and cars starting to look like a snow globe. While most dogs are shedding all year round, spring and fall bring a special change of the seasons that have our dogs leaving what

Great News! We’ve Expanded Into the UK!
We are incredibly excited to announce our expansion into the United Kingdom! Our newest product, the Mini Pet Hair Detailer, is now available on Amazon.co.uk. After its introduction in the U.S. last year, the Mini Pet Hair Detailer was so widely talked about in the US auto detailing industry that word quickly spread across the

Postcards From The Amazon Jungle
Sometime around Christmas last year, I got a call from my mother. “Have you seen this new fur remover on TV. A friend of mine has it and says it’s wonderful. I think they’ve stolen your idea.” As a mom, I can tell you exactly where the panic button is on each one of my

Global Pet Expo 2019
As we are just finishing up with the final day here at the Global Pet Expo in Orlando, FL, we wanted to recap a few of the exciting things that took place. If you are reading this and are currently attending the event, come stop by our booth, #4451! With over 3,500 exhibitors at the

How a Tough Year and a Ridiculous Looking Cleaning Hack Started a Business.
2009 was not a banner year for my family. Among other things, I had had a heart attack, a freak thing at 48, a massive MI in the form of a spontaneous coronary artery dissection. It hit like a searingly painful bolt from the blue during the dessert course at my mother’s dinner table. One

New Detailing Tool For an Old Problem
Ughhh, there’s nothing worse than a hairy car! In fact, vacuum-resistant embedded pet hair is the #1 headache auto detailers and pet owners alike face when cleaning their cars! Until now, pumice stones and rubber brushes have been the two most popular tools for dealing with pet hair removal. So, what’s the issue? Our detailers

How to Remove Every Hair Your Pet Sheds in The Car
We all know someone, whether it’s a family member, co-worker, or a friend who has become fur blind to the mounds of pet hair in their car. However, if you have ever tried to clean your car after taking your furry friend for a ride, you realize very quickly that it is not an easy process. In fact, it can be downright impossible. The vacuum never seems to work as well as expected, lint rollers can’t pick up what your pet puts down, and those rocks (pumice stones) that have been an old habit in the detailing industry can horribly damage many of the surfaces in your car.
Gay List Daily Endorses Lilly Brush!
“Pill Popper”- The Gay List Daily put the Lilly Brush to work and here is what they had to say. “Because any sweater is an ugly sweater if it’s all pilled up. Plus, those electric sweater ‘shavers’ that were so popular in the late 1980s and early 1990s are useless.” “Instead, we’ve found a decidedly low-tech gadget
Pet Hair and Fuzzies on Upholstery and Fabric? No Problem!
Jen Mathews of MyBeautyBunny.com uses Lilly Brush to remove pet hair from upholstery and fabrics! Here is what she had to say about the Lilly Brush and its multiple uses! “The Lilly Brush is one of those cool inventions that you buy and then you can’t imagine how you lived without it for so long. It’s a brush