Tag: pets

Maintaining a Dog-Safe Backyard
As springtime weather is upon us, it seems there is no better time to get some yard work underway. Whether it’s planting some new flowers, touching up your fence from windy or winter storms, or adding some new furniture, these decisions may impact a family member you may not have considered. Whether you are changing

Are Orange Cats Really That Crazy?
Fact or fiction: are orange cats nuttier than other cat breeds? To all my orange cat parents out there, you may either be familiar with this myth firsthand or have heard such rumors. If you are someone considering adopting a new kitty friend, you may have heard of this orange cat myth. Regardless of your

Is It Okay To Put Clothes On Your Dog?
Halloween. Christmastime. Winter. These all seem like great opportunities to adorn your furry friend with jackets, accessories, or costumes. But… is it safe to put clothes on your dog? This topic is of great debate. A quick Google search will show mixed reviews. Much like parenting human children, there is not a one-size fits all

How to Keep Your Pets Safe From Marijuana Intoxication
As states continue to decriminalize and legalize marijuana, there is a certain member of your family whose safety should be kept in mind: your pets! THC-free CBD products have boomed in popularity, including lotions, drinks, and sleeping treatments among many others. The recreational use of cannabis has been legalized in 21 states. My home state

How to Teach A Dog Their Name
What’s in a name? When it comes to naming someone or something, people tend to have strong opinions. This is no surprise: a name is something generally with us forever! So, picking one should not be taken lightly. But what about our four-legged friends? How should you pick and teach a pup their name? A

Connecting With Your Cat: Family, Furry Friend, or Familiar Face
How do you view your pet Is your four-legged roommate your friend, family member, or “just” your pet? Research indicates that “pets can occupy similar social niches as partners, family members, and children.” For a deep dive on the fascinating science, check out this article: “Family Member, Best Friend, Child or “Just” a Pet, Owners’

How to Be A Minimalist Pet Owner
At the start of every new year as I assess how I can better organize myself for the months ahead, the same thought always comes to mind: getting rid of stuff. Now, I have a feeling you know just what I mean. When was the last time you looked around your garage and thought “what

How to Calm your Pet’s COVID-Induced Separation Anxiety
The average number of COVID-19 cases in the United States is decreasing every day now. With this comes new opportunities to venture out into the world once more (with safety precautions, of course)– but what happens to our pets now that the world is changing again? During the pandemic, many pets have become used to

16 Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants for Households with Pets
Plants have the ethereal capability of brightening up any living space they’re in. They provide fresh air, circulation, and general feelings of joy and well-being. However, when choosing which plants to include in your pet-friendly living space, one must heed caution to avoid plants that are toxic and therefore dangerous to pets! Keep in mind:

I Like Big Mutts And I Cannot Lie
July 31st was National Mutt Day! If you missed it, fear not, it comes twice a year, so you’ll get another chance to celebrate with your beloved mutt on December 2nd. So why do mutts get twice as many ‘holidays’ each year as Santa Claus? Because mixed breed dogs (mutts) are pretty darned cool. **DISCLAIMER**