Tag: sweater pill

Maintaining your Sweaters throughout the Season
Now that we’re well into November, your favorite sweaters are sure to be in your weekly outfit rotation. After properly storing your knitwear through the summer, and unboxing it for the fall, it’s time to take sweater care to the next level. Sweater maintenance is just as important as prepping sweaters for and removing sweaters
Mama Tested, Mama Approved!
Alicia, founder of The Mama Report held on to a tired old sweater for over 20 years! Could Lilly Brush help her bring it back to proper form? “I decided to give this simple tool the ultimate test. I have a black cardigan sweater that is over 20 years old. It is riddled with pills, it’s awful
Gay List Daily Endorses Lilly Brush!
“Pill Popper”- The Gay List Daily put the Lilly Brush to work and here is what they had to say. “Because any sweater is an ugly sweater if it’s all pilled up. Plus, those electric sweater ‘shavers’ that were so popular in the late 1980s and early 1990s are useless.” “Instead, we’ve found a decidedly low-tech gadget
Pet Hair and Fuzzies on Upholstery and Fabric? No Problem!
Jen Mathews of MyBeautyBunny.com uses Lilly Brush to remove pet hair from upholstery and fabrics! Here is what she had to say about the Lilly Brush and its multiple uses! “The Lilly Brush is one of those cool inventions that you buy and then you can’t imagine how you lived without it for so long. It’s a brush
Hey Guys! Dapper.com recognizes that unsightly pills can send your sweater to an early grave! Here’s what they had to say about Lilly Brush: “”Unlike a comb, the Lilly Brush utilizes very dense nylon bristles that easily pick up pills without harming fabric. I tested it on a wool and synthetic blended cardigan that has some snags, and The