Knitting Fever Loves Lilly Brush! - Lilly Brush
Lilly Brush

Knitting Fever Loves Lilly Brush!

We reached out to  Knitting Fever a few weeks ago hoping to see how Lilly Brush would perform on the World’s finest natural fiber yarns. And believe us when we say that they carry some of the greatest yarns from around the globe (see for yourself)!

Ann put Lilly Brush to the test on hot water bottle cover she knit out of a Debbie Bliss Andes yarn, a delicate alpaca & silk blend –  the pills and fuzz never stood a fighting chance!

“I’m happy to report it’s both a good size to hold and also carry in your project bag. It’s not very heavy, either. A few quick passes with the Lilly Brush and the cover was as good as new. I mean, I knew it was looking beat up, but I didn’t realize how bad it had become until I cleaned it up.”

Knitting Fever- Before
Knitting Fever After


Knitting Fever- Pills and Fuzz

Now that Ann had saved her knit from an early grave, she moved on to pet hair – which there was no shortage of with two golden retrievers! Like most of our dogs, they also believe they deserve a spot on the sofa. Ann put Lilly Brush to work on a fleece blanket- a true pet hair magnet!

Lilly Brush made a “dramatic difference” in conquering the pet hair on her blanket. See her original blog post for more content and before and afters!

Click here to visit Knitting Fevers Facebook page and ‘like’ them for a chance to win a free Lilly Brush!