Tag: pet health

5 MORE Winter Care Tips for Pets
You might have read our blog post last year titled “10 Winter Care Tips for Dog Owners,” where we covered the basic necessities for keeping your dog warm, cozy, and healthy during the winter months. This year, we’re bringing you five more tips, and this time, not just for dogs! 1. Never shave your dog

A Basic Guide to Pet Insurance: Everything You Need to Know!
Our pets are precious to us, and the last thing we want is for them to be injured and without care! Pet insurance is a preventative measure you can take to ensure your pet’s health and safety in case of an unforeseen accident or medical condition. As always, the world of insurance is tricky business,

Why Regular Vet Appointments are Important for Pet Health
Why are regular vet visits important? Our pets don’t always communicate with us in ways that we can understand– your dog or cat can’t simply tell you that something is wrong, or indicate through their barking or meowing specifically that something’s up. While as pet owners, we’re able to notice the subtle changes in their

The 5 Healthiest Organic Dog Treats
Finding the best dog treats for your pup can be a challenging task! From elusive product packaging to questionable ingredients, it can be difficult to decipher what the best products are and where you can find them. The best dog treats are composed of natural, organic ingredients, containing little to no preservatives or artificial flavorings.

My Pet Ate Something Toxic! Now What?
Imagine this, you’re baking your famous oatmeal raisin cookies for friends and family to enjoy. A few raisins fall to the ground, but before you can grab them, your pet eats five of them. The next thought running through your mind is, “What do I do? Would five raisins really poison my pet?” Most of